For exporters, It is not always commercially viable to sell on credit while most importers seek credit period upto 120 days. To fulfil requirements from both ends, FinVoyc can help you access Unsecured post-shipment finance through our lending partners. You will be assigned a buyer-specific pre-approved Credit line against which your export bills can be discounted. The facility gets settled when buyer pays up the bills on due date, Win-Win for all !!
Needless to say, this comes to you over and above your existing bank credit lines, and is unsecured. For a small cost differential, it can also help you free up your existing hypothecated assets with your existing banking partner.
For Indian Importers, we arrange short term credit and supplier finance for maximum period of 120 days.
Avail Credit limits upto USD 5 Million
Purchase Bill Discounting
Rely on our network of lending partners to avail purchase finance against your bills payable. The facility fulfils your short-term working capital needs, is unsecured, and is a cost efficient means for quick credit.
Sales Bill Discounting
SMEs are crucial supply chain partners to larger enterprises but their cash flow is usually stuck in long receivables cycle. We can arrange discounting of bills raised on your key customers, to free up your cashflows stuck in long receivables cycle. The outstanding liability can then be settled by directly receiving funds from your client in the designated loan account.
Working Capital Limits
Trust us with your fund based and non-fund based working capital needs, arranged seamlessly through our network of banking partners.
Unsecured Business Loans
Timely and adequate Cashflow is the life line for any business. While multiple lending institutions exist, product offerings rarely match up with the enterprise requirement. Inconsistencies like inadequate finance amount, shorter tenor, exorbitant interest rates prevail compounded with complicated set of documentation.
Finvoyc will work through the noise and clutter of diverse offerings from multiple financiers, and curate the most suitable lending solution for your business
For Indian Importers we arrange short term credit instruments and supplier finance for maximum period of 120 days.